Archive for September 2013

September Updates

We have really enjoyed having the children and teachers back in school.  The students are adjusting well and instruction is underway.  The teachers spent a lot of time in September building classroom communities and setting expectations.  This has really contributed to a smooth opening. 

Below are a few items of interest to parents:

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Campbell PTA Minutes September 10, 2013

Campbell PTA Minutes September 10, 2013

Treasurer’s Report:

  • Reminder: Remember to re-link your Giant, Safeway, Harris Teeter, and Target cards to Campbell.  This is free $$$ for our school.
  • For the 2013-2014 school year, we expect income to be $73,254.  Expenditures are projected to be $66,512, so we project a net gain of $6,741. These are very conservative estimates. Fundraising last year was very successful, so we have a good cushion for this year.
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No Early Release


Just to clarify, there is NOT an early release tomorrow.  Campbell's first Early Release is on October 23rd. 

Thank you,

The Main Office at Campbell

Odyssey of the Mind – Information night 9/24 6:30pm

To find out more come to the information night Tuesday, 9/24  6:30pm.

Any questions email Campbell's own Ms. Clark

Here is a sneak peek at this years problems:

Long Term Odyssey of the Mind Problems 2013-2014 (non-competitive)

Primary: Grades K-2

Primary: The World’s First Art Festival Grades K-2 The team’s problem is to create and present an original humorous performance about a prehistoric art festival. The festival will include artwork, dance, music, song, and — of course — a team-created audience to experience it all. The team will also create a backdrop that is a replica of a cave painting.

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Save the date for Campbell’s Back-to-School Picnic!

Hi all,

Please save Friday, October 4 from 6:00 pm-8:00 pm for Campbell’s Back-to-School Picnic.  This is a new event for 2013 and will take the place of the June picnic.


Bring your own picnic or purchase food from food trucks.  We are working on reserving the food trucks right now and will have more information available soon.

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Principal’s Chat Schedule

Earlier in the summer I requested feedback and topics for Principal’s Chats.  Several parents said earlier was better, while others said the morning is hectic.  So we’ll compromise. We’ll try an 8:00 start time this year and see how that impacts attendance.   We can try to end by 9:00 so that parents who need to get to work can do so.  I have the first two topics identified.  We can determine the others as things evolve.  Often topics come up at PTA meetings that warrant further discussion. Read More