Archive for March 2015
: Campbell PTA Minutes 3.10.15
Attached are the full minutes of the PTA Meeting on Tuesday, March 10, 2015. Below is a brief summary of the meeting. Also attached is a presentation given by Principal Nesselrode and the 4/5 Campbell teachers on what to expect from the upper grades.
Campbell PTA Meeting Notes
March 10, 2015
6:30 p.m. – 8 p.m.
March 10, 2015
6:30 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Attendees: approximately 27
Quorum: Yes
Quorum: Yes
I. President Updates, Beth Cavey, President
- Upcoming deadlines: March 24th – Restaurant Night at Taqueria Poblano; Square One Art Work orders due April 10th
II. Budget Update, Eva Clarke, Secretary
- A funding request of $600 for books for teachers' classrooms was approved.
III. Fundraising, Racheal Schroeder, VP of Fundraising
- Wetlands Festival is March 2nd from 4-7 p.m. Goal is to raise $10,500. Planning is underway.
- Auction items needed.
- Volunteers also needed. Contact
IV. Principal's Update, Maureen Nesselrode, Principal
- The Weatherbugs were featured (after the PTA meeting) on several news channels! They did a great job reporting the weather and representing Campbell School.
- Three sprit days have been selected (see the full minutes attached) for more informaton)
V. Presentation – "What to Expect from Upper Grades at Campbell", Maureen Nesselrode and 4/5 teachers
- See attached presentation
March 2015 Garden Work Day
To kick off the spring garden work day season, we tried out a Sunday afternoon for the first time on March 15, 2015. It was a great success. We started at 3:00 and by 4:15 had accomplished so much! We wrapped up by 5:00 p.m. What a productive two hours with so many hands pitching in!
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