Archive for February 2016
Field work & play to investigate simple machines. #thecampbellway
Field work & play to investigate simple machines. #thecampbellway
Book Fair Now Open
5th graders came to read with us for an early Suess day celebration with crazy hair and socks! #campbellreads ?
5th graders came to read with us for an early Suess day celebration with crazy hair and socks! #campbellreads ?
5th gr. Ss @CampbellAPS choosing their own independent variables and creating their own germination experiments.
5th gr. Ss @CampbellAPS choosing their own independent variables and creating their own germination experiments.
Ss @CampbellAPS creating simple machines from Legos as part of their new expedition @APSGifted @ELeducation
Ss @CampbellAPS creating simple machines from Legos as part of their new expedition @APSGifted @ELeducation
Walking to do fieldwork on force and motion at a neighborhood playground @CampbellAPS @ELeducation @APSGifted
Walking to do fieldwork on force and motion at a neighborhood playground @CampbellAPS @ELeducation @APSGifted
#FunFact: Millipedes are detritivores–they eat decaying plants and animals #nature #education
#FunFact: Millipedes are detritivores–they eat decaying plants and animals
#nature #education
Playing ga-ga ball and sorting foods according to MyPlate! @CampbellAPS @APSHPE2 @APSHPEAthletics
Playing ga-ga ball and sorting foods according to MyPlate! @CampbellAPS @APSHPE2 @APSHPEAthletics
Dress head to toe in your favorite color on the 100th day of school! Today is day 96… #TheCampbellWay @CampbellAPS
Dress head to toe in your favorite color on the 100th day of school! Today is day 96… #TheCampbellWay @CampbellAPS
5 more days till 100 days of school @CampbellAPS ready to wear your favorite color? @CounselorMissB @ThinkCampbell
5 more days till 100 days of school @CampbellAPS ready to wear your favorite color? @CounselorMissB @ThinkCampbell