Archive for December 2015

Minutes for PTA Meeting 11.10.15

Good evening!

Thank you to everyone who made it out to Ireland’s Four
Courts this evening for Campbell’s restaurant night. 
It was a great turnout. And, thanks again to
Campbell parent, Dave Cahill for hosting a wonderful evening.

Following are highlights from last night’s PTA
Attached are the full minutes
and the Treasurer’s Report for the month of October.

Meeting Minutes

November 10, 2015

6:30 p.m. – 8:25 p.m.

of attendees: approximately 25


  • Square1Art
    orders are due this Friday, November 13th.  Orders can be made online ( or by sending in the
    form and payment to the school. 

  • Freaky Friday
    School Dance is this Friday, November 13th from 6:30 – 7:30
    p.m. in the Campbell School Gym
    Kids can wear mixed match clothes; snacks will be available for
    sale; fun activities include dancing, a movie, raffles; bring a can of
    food to donate and get a free raffle ticket.  Cost is $1 for kids and $2 for parents.

  • Thank you to all of the volunteers and participants who
    helped make Campbell’s first Health Fair a success.

Report and Funding Requests (Nathan Zee)

  • See the attached Treasurer’s report.

  • Two funding requests were approved:  (1) popcorn maker and bags for $250; and (2)
    $350 speaker fee for a psychologist to present to the PTA on child brain
    development and strategies for parenting and teaching

Update (Kathy Cordon)

  • Pledge Drive continues up through December 11th
    to qualify for the incentives.  So
    far, we are at $1600.  Our goal is
    to raise $4200.   Any amount is welcome. 

  • Box Tops: 
    don’t forget to bring in box tops to the office 

Communications/IT Update (Amy Yenyo)

  • PTA Meetings:  We
    are looking into various options that would allow parents and others to participate
    in PTA meetings remotely (telephone conference; videoconferencing etc.)

  • PTA Website:  We
    are redoing the PTA website to make it more user- and mobile device friendly.  More to come.

  • Google Drive:  We
    are setting up a google drive to file PTA documents.

Campbell’s Progress and Survey Results (Maureen

  • Ms. Nesselrode gave an informative overview
    of the 2015 SOL scores and how they compare to previous years.  She also discussed the EL Implementation Review
    Scores and the Site Survey.  For more
    information, see the full minutes or go to the Campbell Website – click on “About
    Us” and then “School Data”

Discussion Item

  • Heather Wood-Mendoza and Bill Mendoza spoke
    passionately about the negative impact that the Redskins name has on their
    children, children of Native American origin, and on all children.  There was a request to continue the
    discussion and assess how the school, PTA, and non-Native Americans can get
    more involved in addressing this concern. 
    The PTA is looking into a forum whereby the Mendoza’s can raise their
    concerns and recommendations with a broader community.

doc icon PTA-Meeting-Minutes-11.10.15.doc
xls icon 2015-16-Campbell-PTA-Financials-As-of-20151031.xlsx