Archive for January 2015

: Campbell PTA Minutes 1.13.15

Hi everyone – attached and excerpted below are minutes from the PTA meeting on January 13, 2015.  Apologies for formatting errors.  If you have any questions, please contact
PTA Meeting

January 13, 2015

6:30-8:30 p.m.

Number of

I.     Announcements
– Beth Cavey, President

  • Everyone should have
    received a school directory (one per family).  If you did not, please contact the
    school office. 

  • Calendar Reminders

    • Next PTA meeting is February 10th at 6:30 p.m.  Guest speaker is Barbara Kanninin,
      School Board Member and Campbell liaison. 

    • Restaurant Night at
      Labenese Taverna in Pentagon City on January
      (more details below)

  • Reading Challenge

  • This year’s reading challenge will be the first
    two weeks of February; if your child reads 20 minutes a night, you get to check
    the box; there will be additional challenges; awards will be an extra recess
    for the class

  • Contact Beth Cavey at if
    you are interested in helping

  • Raffle:  Each person will receive a raffle ticket
    for attending PTA meetings and restaurant nights.  If your name is chosen, your child’s
    class will get an extra recess.  So
    be sure to come!!  If you are unable
    to make an event, you can purchase a raffle ticket for $1.

II.    Budget
report – Eva Clark, Treasurer

  • The Budget and Treasurer’s
    s are posted on the Campbell Website.  If you have any questions, please

  • Fundraising Update:

    • Pledge Drive Update:  Congratulations to everyone for surpassing
      our goal of $3000.   Because
      donations continue to come in, please contact
      for the latest amount.

    • Silver Diner Restaurant
      Night: We raised approximately $300, which is great. 

    • $420 from boxtops
      collection; this item will be in next budget

  • We need a new treasurer
    for next year, as the bylaws limit officer terms to two years.  If you are interested, please contact

  • Funding requests: 

    • $333.83 for a set of Dewalt
      tools requested by Mr. Dihn – MOTION

III.   Fundraising,
Chandi Krohl, VP of Fundraising

  • Lebanese Taverna Restaurant
    Night in Pentagon Row (1101 South Joyce St., Arlington, 22202) on January 27, 2015. 

    • You must bring the
      Campbell flyer with you in order for Campbell to get credit (Nathan Zee
      will be there during key hours with extra flyers)

    • You can go there anytime
      during restaurant hours.  If you
      cannot eat there that day, you can purchase a gift card on that day at
      to be used at another time.  Be
      sure to include the Campbell promo card to receive credit.     

  • Reminder to link your
    Target and Amazon Cards to Campbell School.  For information, click here.   

IV.  Wetlands
Festival Planning – Chandi Khrohl, VP of Fundraising

  • The Wetlands Festival
    (Campbell’s biggest fundraising event) is May 2nd in the
    afternoon (time to be determined). 
    We are in the process of finalizing the letter to send out to the
    vendors for contributions.  The
    letter should go out in the next two weeks. 

  • We are also finalizing
    musicians and food trucks.   

  • We need volunteers to do
    follow-up calls to vendors (last year, we found that over 50 percent of
    the vendors ended up donating after they received a follow-up call!)

  • If you are interested in
    helping, let Chandi Krohl or Rachael Schroeder know (you can also email
    them at      

V.    School
Updates – Maureen Nesselrode, Principal

  • Budget process is underway
    at the County level for next year

  • There will be a new
    elementary school in Nottingham area that could possibly impact staffing
    at Campbell.  Principal Nesselrode
    will provide an update on any such changes at a future PTA meeting.

  • Next year, Campbell will
    most likely continue to have 3 kindergarten classes and three 1st,
    2nd, 3rd grade classes; two 4th grade and
    three 5th grade classes (but keep in mind this is tentative)

VI.  Outdoor
Classroom Lesson – Christy Przystawik (Garden Docent)

  • Campbell’s fabulous Garden
    Docent, Christy P. gave an update on the classes she has done.  Four lessons were set up to give PTA
    meeting participants a chance to experience what their kids have

  • It was a great
    presentation and Campbell is very lucky to have Christy in this
    position.  If you have questions
    about the Outdoor Classroom Activities or the Garden Docent position,
    please contact Christy at 

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