PTA Meeting Minutes 3.3.20
Campbell PTA Meeting
March 3, 2020
6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Approx. # attendees: 27
1. Welcome: Barbara Martinez, President
2. Family Emergency Preparedness: Kelly Discount
- Kelly is a Certified Emergency Manager (CEM):, 703-724-7853
- Important to have resources to sustain your family in a disaster – think about a plan if you are home, at work, or on travel
- There are things we should do and what first responders can do to save lives, protect property and bounce back from an emergency
- Personal safety – reinforce with children the importance of listening to their gut instinct (“spidey sense”) – don’t go into fear mode, instead respond – e.g. “that storm looks scary, I should move away from the windows”
- Familiarize children with the idea that emergency workers may look big and sound scary when they are in their gear – children shouldn’t hide from them (fire fighters frequently have children hide from them)
- Teach children that if they smell smoke or see fire – get out of the building
- Trusted adult/Tricky adult:
- Trusted: uniform, nametag, police officer, doorman, parent with child or stroller
- Tricky: Someone you don’t know that looks like a stranger in an area where you have never seen them. If they try to take you away from where you are, run away from them.
- Personal Identification for children is available in the community – child ID kit/fingerprinting, DNA (can do fingerprinting at Arlington County Fair or police station) – always have a recent picture at your disposal – can get ID bracelet with your contact info printed on the inside
- How to build a family emergency plan – FEMA has worksheet available online
- Check out the kids section on FEMA – has some great resources
- Emergency Plan-
- How will you communicate
- Where will you go
- Make sure it covers all family members *including pets
- Emergency Kit-
- COVID 19 mostly dangerous for 50 and up or compromised immune system – the flu is more dangerous for our children
- Baby wipes are a great idea in case of infrastructure issue
- Put emergency documents in plastic enclosed folder in case you need to evacuate in bad weather
- Back up battery charger – solar is a great option
- Tips for staying safe in large venue or when traveling – take picture of family at the beginning of the day and determine meeting place, that way you have a current picture with what they are wearing in case they get lost
- Emergency apps for your phone (there are lots) – save documents and insurance policy info pictures in app- i.e. evernote
3. Proposed Slate for 2020-21 Executive Board: Nominating Committee
- We will vote on the following slate in April: (can still take nominations from the floor)
- President- Tammy Bewitz
- VP Communication- Katherine Novello
- Programs- Monica Flores & Mecca Keller
- Fundraising- Rona Jobe
- Treasurer- Jenny Morris
- Secretary- Claudia Cuellar and Andrea Ross
4. Treasurers Report: Amanda Lowenberger
- Funding request: thank you gift to teachers who give of their own time / funds to support an extracurricular- $1200 to provide $100 gift cards to teachers who don’t get stipends. Approved!
5. APS Budget Heads up: Barbara Martinez
- Suggest parents and teachers look at Arlington Public School Budget documents – there is a gap between proposed budget and what is being funded. Don’t just write to APS, talk to county board and civic associations. The large cuts that will most impact us are the ESOL settlement agreement and FLES cuts are likely. Special Ed and ESOL are two big priorities.
6. New Business and Closing: Barbara Martinez
- Teacher Appreciation Week coming up May 5-7
- Restaurant nights coming up in May: Pupatella and Chipotle (details coming soon)
- Spring Festival update:
- Diverse Book Swap with read early and daily for 100 books and 200 donated – students are welcome to bring back the books they got last year and write a note on what they thought! Donate in book box at entrance to school
- Next Festival planning meeting is March 15
- Request for help with auction items and raffle items, especially experiences
- Spring Project Discovery registration will be before spring break
- Next PTA meeting is Thursday March 12th 8-8:45 am with the Thursday parents group
- April PTA meeting on April 14th – presentation on screen time vs scream time at PTA meeting and after community meeting on Friday the same week