PTA Meeting Minutes 3.12.18
Campbell PTA Meeting
March 12, 2020
8:00 – 9:00 a.m.
Approx. # attendees: 15
1. Welcome: Barbara Martinez, President
- This meeting is a make-up for the January 7th meeting which was cancelled due to snow
2. Treasurer’s Report: Amanda Lowerberger
- Normal expenses and income (report only covers first 11 days of March)
3. Review of Budget and Priorities
- We still have money in the budget for end-of-year community event – brief discussion about what we could do for this
4. Proposed Slate for 2020-21 Executive Board
- Nominees (recap from March 3 meeting):
- President- Tammy Bewitz
- VP Communication- Katherine Novello
- Programs- Monica Flores & Mecca Keller
- Fundraising- Rona Jobe
- Treasurer- Jenny Morris
- Secretary- Claudia Cuellar and Andrea Ross
5. New Business and Closing
- Project Discovery spring session April 15 – May 22, catalogue coming soon
- Spring Festival – May 2 at Campbell, 4 PM – 7 PM
- New things for this year: collaborative art project for teacher appreciation, drum circle, Project Hera, two student-led bands
- Book swap happening again – donations accepted now
- Teacher Appreciation Week – May 4-7
- Next PTA meeting April 14 (after spring break): “Screen Time or Scream Time? A presentation to help empower parents to manage the screen use of their youth” By Michael Swisher, Adult Outreach and Engagement, Arlington Partnership for Children, Youth, and Families
- Presentation will be repeated Friday, April 17, after Community Meeting
- Discussion about how Campbell is preparing for likely school closure due to COVID-19
- Students are taking home extra books, teachers and staff are putting together resources for families to use
- Discussion about Campbell’s emergency food pantry
- Motion to increase budget to $1300 to restock the pantry, because if schools close imminently (spoiler alert: they do!) Campbell would need to send food home with students today or tomorrow – motion approved