[Recent Events] PTA Meeting Minutes 9.12.17

Campbell PTA Meeting
September 12, 2017
6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Approximate # of Attendees: 54

I.     Welcome and Introductions/Ice Breaker: Nathan Zee, President 

  • Nathan welcomed everyone to the meeting and initiated an ice-breaker
  • Every attendee introduced themselves, their children (ages and teachers), and shared why they chose Campbell


II.    Overview of 2017-2018 Plans: Nathan Zee, President

  • Nathan introduced the topic and turned over the floor
  • Programming highlights (Paige Hamrick, VP Programming)
    • Paige introduced herself and briefly described her role, then highlighted the main programming events that are planned for this school year:
      • Garden Work Day (Saturday, 9/16)
      • Back-to-School picnic (Friday, 9/22)
      • Spirit Week (three days prior to the October Fun Run)
      • Movie Night
      • Family Game Night (new this year; will be held in lieu of school dance)
      • Class Colors (also new this year, colors won’t change)
        • Pre-K: Purple
        • K: Orange
        • 1st: White
        • 2nd: Yellow
        • 3rd: Blue
        • 4th: Red
        • 5th: Green
    • Volunteers are welcome and needed to assist with events; attendees invited to sign-up for any volunteer roles they’re interested in; this is the FUN committee)
  • Fundraising highlights (Sean Doyle, VP Fundraising)
    • Two main fundraisers:
      • Fit-and Fun Run, coming up on 10/20
        • Can donate online or by check
        • There will be school-wide and individual incentives
      • Wetlands Festival in the spring
        • Dunk tank, bands, food, silent auction
    • We’ll need volunteers to help organize and staff these events
    • Also looking for opportunities for community partnerships
    • Other fundraisers that are coming up are:
      • Restaurant Nights (10/17 at Dogfish Head, 11/15 at Four Courts)
      • Square 1 Art (in December)
  • How to Get Involved (Barbara Martinez, VP Communications)
    • Sign-up on Announcements to get communications
    • Sign-up to volunteer on a committee


III.   State of the School: Maureen Nesselrode, Principal

·         At the beginning of each year, I like to share our school plan and our goals for the year. Here are the highlights:

o   435 students enrolled

o   Low staff turnover

o   Additional student services support

o   Updated carpet and paint (work done over the summer)

o   SOL scores improved again; closing achievement gaps

o   Ms. Christy is full time at Campbell this year; we’re increasing Outdoor learning time

o   Outdoor Garden Orientations are underway

o   Countywide adoption of TC Reader’s Workshop model; we were already doing it to some extent, but we’ll increase implementation to meet county expectations

o   Additional Reading Specialist support (Title 1 funded); Reading Specialists help with enrichment and build classroom libraries

o   Installed additional Smart Boards,; replacing Bulletin Board w/Flat Screen TV for announcements/Twitter Feed at entrance

o   New format for Back-to-School Night

o   Sound System upgrades being installed this week (PTA funded); may use it at this Friday’s Community Meeting

o   Updates in APS include

§  Reorganization of Central Office

§  Canvas (a Learning Management System) is replacing Blackboard

§  School Talk (text message alerts) is being updated  

§  Revised School Boundaries: new schools are opening and lotteries are being redesigned; more information can be found on the APS website under “Engage with APS”

IV.  2016-2017 PTA Audit Review and Vote: Jenny Morris, Treasurer

·         Over the summer, members of the PTA Executive Board met with members of the Audit Committee and conducted an audit of our PTA’s finances

·         Members received an electronic copy of the audit last week, and tonight we need to vote on whether to approve the audit

o   Motion to approve audit; seconded; approved unanimously 

V. Budget Review and Vote: Nathan Zee, President

·         We’ve had a successful few years

·         We’re budgeted at a loss this year to spend down some of our surplus funds

·         Budget highlights include:

o   Reduced PTA amount going to Outdoor Learning Coordinator because she’s now fulltime through APS

o   Paid for upgraded Sound System

o   Increased amount for teacher appreciation and teacher support

o   Outside experts and Outdoor Classroom amounts increased

o   Changed budget to grade-level support to encourage teachers to spend the money we’re making available across all grade levels

·         Any questions/comments?

o   Q: Why was VPI line item funding decreased? A: Because they are well-funded through the Early Childhood initiative and therefore don’t need as much

·         Motion to approve 2017-2018 Budget; seconded; approved unanimously

·         Funding requests:

o   Ms. Decker, School Librarian: $400 for First Reader books, one for each Kindergarten student (for a “Book Garden” for incoming students, based on last year’s successful “Book Garden” for graduating 5th Graders)

§  Motion to approve funding; seconded; approved unanimously 

o   Ms. Dooley, Interlude: $225.29 for sensory toys, a room divider, headphones

§  Motion to approve funding; seconded; approved unanimously 

o   Ms. Peterson, Music teacher: $140 for five new ukuleles

§  Motion to approve funding; seconded; approved unanimously 

o   Funding request: $230 to neuter Paige, the school bunny

§  Motion to approve funding; seconded; approved


VI.  New Business: Nathan Zee, President

  • Membership reminders will wind down in about a week
  • The Back-to-School Picnic will be held next Friday evening
  • Reminders:
    • Dogfish Head Restaurant Night coming up on 10/17
    • Fun Run to be held on 10/20
    • Four Courts Restaurant Night coming up on 11/15
    • Thursday Morning Parent Group meetings are open to all; they’re conducted in Spanish, but English translation is available
  • We’ll identify a nominating committee in November to begin the process of identifying the next set of PTA officers; four Executive Board members’ terms will expire at the end of this school year, so we’re looking for people to step into these roles
  • Any new business from anyone else?
    • Q: Can you talk a little bit about the process of bringing forward new business or idea/suggestions? For instance, how will we identify what we’re hoping to focus on this year as a PTA? Will you conduct a survey? A: We conducted a survey last May, and this year’s priorities, events, and budget are based on the results of that survey. We are always open to new suggestions and all are invited to provide comments/input at any time. We want to be as inclusive and transparent as possible.



VII. Closing: Nathan Zee, President

  • Thank you for coming! .