Meeting Minutes 6.14.16

Hi everyone,
Summer is finally here! Hope you all are enjoying the hot weather.  Attached are the minutes from the PTA meeting on June 14, 2016.  Thank you for letting me serve as your PTA Secretary for the last two years.  It has been a terrific experience getting more involved with the PTA and Campbell.  This is my last set of minutes, so enjoy.  As always, feel free to reach out if you have questions. 
Summary of Minutes:
  • Congratulations to the PTA for all of its accomplishments this school year.  We did a lot.  To see a run down, open the full minutes.
  • 5th grade promotion — volunteers needed. Contact Beth Cavey if you are interested in helping
  • Treasurer's report — you can see the monthly report on the PTA website.  We also discussed a proposed budget for FY 2017.  The final budget will be voted on at the September PTA meeting.
  • Bylaws:  two changes were proposed (adding a VP of Communications and Outreach and the election of officers at the May meeting instead of June); the revised bylaws will be voted on at the September PTA meeting.  A copy is also posted on the PTA website.
  • The new PTA Executive Board members were voted in! Congratulations to:  Nathan Zee, President; Katherine Novello, Secretary; Jenny Morris, Treasurer; Kelly Krug, VP of Programs; and, Kathy Evans Cordon, VP of Fundraising. 
  • Because we did so well fundraising this year, we have a sizable balance that we are carrying forward.  The VA PTA recommends that only 1/3 of any remaining funds be carried over to the next school year.  Several funding requests were submitted.  Check the full minutes to see which funding requests were approved. 
  • Ms. Nesselrode provided an update on staffing changes, the school upgrade (painting/carpeting has been postponed until next year), and summer library hours
Please note that there will be a special PTA meeting on July 12th at 6:00 pm in the Campbell library to review options for upgrading the courtyard pond.   

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