Posts by Reidy Brown

Campbell PTA Minutes – October 8, 2013

PTA Minutes                                                October
8, 2013


Study @ Campbell on Eating Vegetables and Legumes

Please do not share the details of this study with students, as it would bias
the sample.)

·       Under the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act,
there’s a requirement to increase the quantity of legumes and vegetables served
in school lunches.


·       Dr. Stacey Snelling—lead investigator
for the USDA-funded study being conducted by American University researchers—described
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Principal Chat on Student-Led Conferences 10/17 8AM

Don't forget about the Principal Chat at 8 this morning, Thursday, October 17 at 8AM. The topic will be the new portfolios and student-led conferences for Pre-K, K, and 1 to be held in March and June 2014.

Don't want to miss out on school events like Principal Chats? Check out the updated Campbell web site and subscribe to the PTA calendar, so you'll always know what's going on.

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