Posts by Barbara Martinez

PTA Meeting Minutes 12.20.16

Campbell PTA Meeting
December 20, 2016
6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Approximate # of Attendees:   20

  1. Welcome and Introductions: Nathan Zee, President
  • Nathan welcomed everyone to the meeting and turned things over to Ms. Nesselrode


  1. Diversity: Maureen Nesselrode, Principal
  • Ms. Nesselrode introduced the topic and explained that this topic was selected from last year’s survey questions. Campbell incorporates diversity subtly into content, as well as celebrating diversity in the following ways:
  • Morning Meetings during “Share” students share events, input ideas, and experiences that reflect who they are as individuals and often give a window into the diversity in each classroom.
  • Career Café-families from different cultures, gender, and backgrounds present about their career and specifically-chosen to help break stereotypes and show students the many possibilities for all.
  • Community Meeting-Students from different cultures are highlighted and present about their work.
  • Story of My Plate (K-1 expedition) focuses on how the food we eat reflects our culture and where we come from.
  • Culture Posters-sending home flyers about culture (2nd Grade)
  • Founding Fathers Lead the Way (3rd grade expedition) has an end project requires students to reflect on the freedoms we have in America, many of which focus on our ability to honor diversity.
  • Cultures Collide (the 4th Grade Jamestown expedition) focuses on comparing the three cultures (Powhatan, English, and African) and how although conflicts arise, we try to adapt and help each other. The initial kickoff is a family survey which requires families to talk about times they’re moved, hardships they’ve faced, and how they have benefitted from neighbors living nearby.
  • Interest Surveys conducted by teachers early in the year, help teachers understand student likes and dislikes and what makes them different.
  • Home visits to gain an appreciation for the diversity of families (VPI and some others)
  • Thursday Mom Group
  • Multicultural Night
  • School counseling program- teachable moments and explicit lessons
  • Home interviews between students and families
  • FACE Team – Family and Community Engagement, new project: Turtle Tube!
  • Inviting families or staff to field trips considering family comfort levels
  • Cultural foods at PTA and other events
  • The personal narrative unit allows students to share their stories about their life in writing to foster appreciation of their experiences with their peers.
  • Books in the library and classroom library books intentionally feature diverse characters/themes
  • Students learn about Hispanic culture in FLES
  • Students learn about artists and art from around the world
  • Musical selections and instruments- in music class from around the world
  • Courageous Conversations training for staff – countywide; book clubs and other opportunities
  • Hire diverse staff
  • Areas for continued improvement:
  • We are always looking to increase authenticity when we use multi-cultural resources
  • Ms. Nesselrode handed out a copy of a passage from “Educating for Diversity” for the PTA to read and discuss. Main themes were:
    • Beliefs about students matter (teacher’s own biases can affect classroom behavior and expectations)
    • Content and materials matter (diversity should be woven into content and stories told from different perspectives)
    • Instructional approaches matter (for ex.: teachers learning what apps students are using so that they can better connect)
    • Educational settings matter (Campbell’s lottery system serves the goal of diversity)
    • Teacher education matters (self-fulfilling prophecies)
    • Does the race and ethnicity of teacher matter? If there are two equal candidates, opt for diverse staff; hire teachers who are culturally competent
    • Ms. Nesselrode opened the floor to questions and comments:
      • Q: Do students notice whether staff is diverse? A: Not really in the lower grades; older students seek out allies who are culturally competent (even if not same race)
      • Q: How do we handle linguistic diversity? What’s the approach to valuing home language? A: Translations of all printed materials, interpreter at all events, conferences offered for parents in their language w/translator for the English speaking teacher; FLES pull-outs for native speakers, teachers stress to parents that language matters, but not which language because speaking and reading in ANY language is what is most important.
      • Comment: Could the term “Founding Fathers” be changed to “Founders” to be more gender inclusive? Response: Yes, we can take some feedback on the term.
      • Q: How do we talk about Native Americans? How do we handle the Thanksgiving Day holiday or Columbus Day, particularly in the younger grades? A: Because of Virginia’s history, Native Americans feature prominently in the 2nd and 4th grade curriculums. With older students, we can give more context; it’s a fine line to walk with younger students (for instance, it would not be developmentally appropriate to discuss Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemmings with Kindergarten students). We avoid celebrating some individuals, like Columbus, as heroes, and avoid appropriating native dress. There is room for improvement in being culturally authentic (to use materials that are culturally responsible and appropriate)
      • Q: How do we talk about nontraditional families? A: Library books and stories with representations of nontraditional families, through Morning Meeting and other times where students share about their lives.
      • Q: Religious diversity? A: Not really part of the K-5 curriculum, but students share about it, and it becomes part of the conversation in that way; it is not a taboo subject and children are free to share.
      • Comment: The recent HS Boundary process demonstrates that the students “get it” and understand the value of diversity
      • Comment: The coat drive demonstrated that many are willing to give generously to support and celebrate Campbell’s diverse population; Campbell is purposely diverse and those who seek it out are seeking out a diverse learning environment and we are committed to the process of continually improving the process of learning about different cultures and experiences


III.   Treasurer’s Report: Jenny Morris , Treasurer

  • As of November 30, we’re at ~$32,000 of income and ~$26,000 of expenses. Specific details discussed were:
  • During the month, we were paid for the Zumba class that meets at Campbell on Saturdays, $256 of income; Amazon payment for $184, two payments from Silver Diner for $584, and $284 of that was from their “Eat Well Do Well” cards, remember to sign up for that if you haven’t already; Election Day Bake Sale made $488 after expenses
  • Have first sponsorship for Fun Run this spring
  • Wrapped up Project Discovery income, came close to breaking even. The remaining amount will go towards Odyssey of the Mind, which has some ongoing expenses.
  • We had our final amounts for the Pledge Drive come in; we did well.
  • There were no questions from attendees on the budget status
  • Funding request from Wellness Committee to do provide an hour of wellness and mindfulness experiences for the teachers as part of a teacher appreciation/benefit event, to help them feel grounded and appreciated, as well as give them tools to promote wellness in their classrooms. There will be several different activities, but total expenses expected to be $120.
  • Questions from floor:
    • Q: Is this an event that teachers want? A: Yes, very much so. It was requested by staff when Wellness Committee asked them how they’d like to be supported
  • Motion to approve funding $120 toward Wellness Event. Motion seconded. Motion passed unanimously.


  • Q: Are there any major funding requests expected this year? A: We don’t have any large-scale project (like the Pond redo) that we’re aware of, but we will discuss at an upcoming PTA meeting so that there aren’t any surprises at the end of the year


  1. New Business: Nathan Zee, President
  • Nathan opened floor to questions, comments:
    • Q: Would a new PA system for Community Meetings be something for us to consider funding? A: Ms. Nesselrode will look in to the history of the current system (who paid for it, how old it is, etc.)
    • Q: Have we ever done a “Donor’s Choose” event? A: Yes, for smaller ticket items; individual teachers have done this in the past; we have used EdBacker to fund the greenhouse
    • Thank you to Jenny Ozawa for all her hard work on the coat drive, and to the over 50 families who donated; thank you to all the families who donated to the staff baskets (aiming to give out two baskets, wound up being able to give out six!!), and the staff appreciation breakfast
      • Q: Is it too late to bring in items for the coat drive? A: No, it’s not too late. Donations of new items welcomed still
      • Q: is there not Parent Center that has donated clothes for a child who get a rip in their pants, or if someone needs a few extra items of clothing? A: Our school social worker can help families get new clothing if needed; there is a limited supply of “extra” clothing for accident situations due to storage space constraints


VII. Closing: Nathan Zee, President

  • Next meeting is Tuesday, January 17th

PTA Meeting Minutes 11.15.16

Campbell PTA Meeting
November 15, 2016
6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Approximate # of Attendees:   30

  1. Welcome and Introductions: Nathan Zee, President
  • Nathan welcomed everyone to the meeting and turned things over to Ms. Nesselrode
  • Ms. Nesselrode presented Campbell wear from the PTA to the custodial staff as a ‘thank you’ for their hard work


  1. Family Life: Dina Berhan, Counselor
  • Ms. Nesselrode introduced the topic and provided examples of learning objectives at the K-3 level. Campbell does not necessarily teach specific lessons at the younger grades, but rather meeting the objectives is woven throughout the kids’ learning (e.g., “I respect” supports the respect learning objective)
  • Ms. Berhan provided an overview and specific examples of how she teaches to the 4th and 5th graders. She draws from APS guidelines, Virginia guidelines, and has produced a power point she uses as a baseline. Some specific discussion points included:
  • Discussions with kids are targeted depending on specific areas of focus
  • She ensures parents are aware of when the learning is scheduled to occur and takes feedback from parents
  • Boys and Girls may be taught separately (depending on the topic) although the content is the same
  • There is a “too smart to start” program that introduces refusal skills (e.g., drugs, alcohol, smoking) – this is taught towards the end of the year and is expanded on in middle school
  • Gender stereotyping may be a future topic that Ms. Berhan can integrate into her material


III.   Outdoor Learning: Kevan Miller, Parent

  • Kevan provided an overview of her outdoor learning experience at a nearby preschool where she spends the entire morning teaching kids in the outdoors multiple times per month
  • Each class of 3, 4, and 5 year olds spends two days per month outdoors for the school day regardless of the weather/temperature
  • Kevan summarized recent research on the importance of kids getting outside including articles in the NY Times, Washington Post, National Geographic and others. Some key benefits include:
    • Improved motor fitness
    • Improved concentration and self-discipline
    • Improved distance vision
    • Improved cognitive abilities
    • Improved critical thinking
    • Lower stress, anxiety, and depression
    • Improved social skills including empathy and connections
    • Increased resilience
    • Increased creativity and sense of wonder
    • Increased independence and autonomy
    • Increased ability to recognize and assess risk
    • Increased appreciation for the natural world around us
  • Kevan has seen all these benefits first hand over the last three years including happier kids overall who participate in the program
  • Kevan discussed some of the barriers to more time outside including time constraints, proximity to parks/forests, safety concerns, and adverse weather conditions – she noted that “bad weather always looks worse through a window” and that once outside it’s usually not as bad as you thought (especially from a child’s perspective)
  • Kevan encouraged parents to try and see things through their child’s eyes and motivate them to get outside more – you don’t need a specific goal (e.g., a science lesson) – just get outside and do things (including reading outside)
  • Kevan provided a list of resources (will be provided electronically separately)
  • Ms. Nesselrode provided an update about how Campbell approaches outdoor learning to include:
    • Kids are reading outdoors during their library time
    • Miss Christy takes classes outside rain or shine
    • Community Meeting was held outdoors and it was a huge success – we plan to do another meeting outside in the Spring
    • 5th grade just returned from two days at the Outdoor Lab (canoeing, sleeping in tents, etc.) and it was a fabulous experience


  1. Title I – What is It: Maureen Nesselrode, Principal and Wendy Pilch, Title I Representative
  • Wendy provided an overview of the Title I Program to include background, statistics, requirements, and benefits
  • At the Federal level, at least 40% of the students must qualify for Free and Reduced Meals (FARM) for a school to be eligible for Title I status
  • In Arlington County, the threshold is 55% of students in the FARM program – Campbell consistently runs at 58-60% FARM students
  • 98% of Title I funding at Campbell is used for salaries – increases the number of teachers
  • At least 1% of the funding must be used for parent/family involvement
  • 8 schools in Arlington exceed the 55% FARM threshold: Abingdon, Barcroft, Barrett, Carlin Springs, Campbell, Drew, Hoffman Boston, Randolph – Patrick Henry recently left the Title I program
  • Benefits of Title I resources include teacher training, supplemental materials, summer programs, additional reading and math support
  • At Campbell, we receive the following specific benefits:
    • Anne Oliveira (math coach) is funded ½ time from Title I
    • 2 extra reading specialists are funded from Title I
    • Test Coordinator ½ time position is funded from Title I
    • Translation equipment was purchased with Title I funds
    • Professional development
    • Math tutoring in 3rd and 4th grade
    • Note that we cannot purchase furniture with Title I funds
    • Ms. Nesselrode coordinates with the PTA to optimize how funds are applied
    • Bottom line: Title I funds are key to Campbell’s resourcing plan


  1. Treasurer’s Report: Jenny Morris , Treasurer
  • As of 10/31, we’ve had ~$19,000 of income and ~$19,000 of expenses. Specific details discussed were:
  • October income included pledge drive donations, amazon, movie night, Project Discovery and Odyssey of the Mind
  • October expenses included movie night, Project Discovery, Outdoor Classroom Coordinator, K/1 chairs, PTA meeting expenses
  • Project Discovery enrollment was higher than projected so both income and expenses are higher than budgeted. The budget is based on making a small profit, so there will not be a new vote on increasing income/expenses for project discovery in the budget as long as income and expenses are generally equal – same for Odyssey of the Mind (4 teams instead of 2 teams, so we are doubling the projected income and expenses)
  • We have a similar budget situation with Campbell wear – we have sold much more Campbell wear than projected, so our income and expenses are higher than budgeted, but they are still canceling each other out as expected
  • Our VA PTA dues payment was mailed in November (due December 1st)
  • There were no questions from attendees on the budget status


  1. New Business: Nathan Zee, President
  • The second half of tonight’s meeting was successfully streamed live on Facebook – all in person attendees acknowledged they were being displayed on Facebook
  • Project Discovery ends this week for Thursday classes and the week after Thanksgiving for Wednesday/Friday classes
  • Principal’s Chat this Thursday at 8am – interactive activities are planned
  • The Wellness Committee will meet on Friday, December 9th after Community Meeting at 8:30am
  • Apple Tasting was a huge success
  • Socktober sock donations were well received
  • Cyberbullying discussion will be held on December 15th at 8am – led by Ms. Berhan and Ms. Decker
  • The Latina Moms group has been officially renamed to “Parents Building Commitment”
  • Heads up that we will be collecting used sports items at the end of winter
  • Reminder to write your child’s name on Campbell wear
  • Be on the lookout for information regarding Tiny Prints / Shutterfly for holiday card orders
  • Picture retakes are tomorrow (11/16) – bring your old pictures
  • Conversations are ongoing regarding concerns about potential impacts from the Presidential election (immigration, LBGT, etc.)


VII. Closing: Nathan Zee, President

  • Next meeting is Tuesday, December 20th
  • Reminders:
  • Please review Barbara Martinez’s fundraising email
  • A big ‘thank you’ to those who have contributed towards the pledge drive – it closes at the end of this week (11/18)
  • Please make sure you use the Campbell Amazon link (affiliate) when you do your holiday shopping




PTA Meeting Minutes 10.18.16

Campbell PTA Meeting
October 18, 2016
6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Approximate # of Attendees:   25

  1. Welcome and Vote: Nathan Zee, President
  • Nathan introduced himself and then asked for nominations from the floor for the open PTA Executive Board position VP of Communications; no nominations offered from the floor
  • Ms. Nesselrode presented the candidate, Barbara Martinez, for a vote to the group; motion seconded; motion to elect Barbara Martinez as new VP Communications passed unanimously.


  1. Updates on behalf of Kelly Krug (VP of Programming): Nathan Zee, President
  • Activities coming up this month:
  • Crazy Sock Spirit Day (Socktober); kids wear “crazy” socks to school on Friday, 10/28, combined with a month-long sock drive for new socks to donate to a shelter; sock collection bin located in cafeteria; donations will be taken through November 1st
  • Outdoor Movie Night: scheduled for Friday, 10/21, but rain is forecasted; alternate rain date is Friday, 10/28, and the decision whether to postpone will be made Wednesday, so stay tuned for an update on potential weather-related postponement; please note the differences from last years’ Movie Night: this year it will be held outside, no pre-orders of food (food served will be: pizza, popcorn, snacks, and drinks; family special is $13 for a whole pizza, four drinks, and a popcorn); remember to bring blankets, chairs, etc.; playground will be closed after dark for safety; movie will be “Hotel Transylvania II”


III.   Turtle Tube: Ms. Nicole Johnson, 5th Grade Teacher

  • Last year several Campbell teachers attended a training about how to increase participation and get more families involved in school by expanding ways in which families can see what is happening in the community without having to be physically present at the school, initiative is called FACE:; website can be translated in to multiple languages to increase outreach
  • Campbell’s FACE initiative is called “Turtle Tube”
  • First video has already been posted; it’s called “Growth Mindset”
  • Future videos will be translated into Spanish so that they will be more accessible to the community
  • Ms. Johnson will “tweet” about her videos, too
  • Ms. Johnsons presented a survey to the PTA members present asking what we’d be most interested in seeing in the Turtle Tube videos
  • Ms. Nesslerode highlighted that out of all APS schools, Campbell sent the largest delegation of teachers and staff to the training on community engagement (teachers from each looping grade, counselor, and specialist from both reading and math teams were present)


III.   Fundraising Updates: Kathy Cordon, VP Fundraising

  • Fill-the-Pond Pledge Drive: a reminder flyer will go home again tomorrow, 10/19; remember that to receive incentives, you must make your pledge by 10/31
  • Not yet at our goal of raising $5,000
  • What do we do with this money? Author visits, Turtle Pond renovation, Turtle Tank rebuild, fund Field Trips, etc.
  • This is our second largest fundraiser (largest is Wetlands Festival)
  • Pledges can be made by cash, check, PayPal
  • Questions from floor
  • Q: Can you give individual targets, such as “if every family gave X amount, we’d reach our goal?” A: Yes, great suggestion, we will do that.


  1. Treasurer’s Report: Jenny Morris, Treasurer
  • As of 9/30, we’ve had $11,000 of income and $13,000 of expenses
  • Included in income was about $1,060 of payments from Amazon so make sure to keep using that link! We’ve also been collecting for spirit wear which will be paid for soon. And we’ve had lots of membership dues paid.
  • Included in expenses were the pond ($9,800) and turtle tank ($1,400). Other expenses included supplies for garden work day, fixing the bridge in the courtyard, the bunny cage, the upcoming author visit, and other various expenses.
  • Open floor to Q & A:
  • Q: Did we lose money on Yearbook last year? A: (Nathan Zee) PTA does not fund this; it’s a school expense. (Maureen Nesselrode) Not a concern, we break even.
  • Motion to approve funding request $135 for reading chairs made by Ms. Drabyk and Ms. Ammons (18 chairs total, 9 for each class), Seconded, and Approved Unanimously


  1. Latino Moms Report: Claudia Cuellar Ramirez, Representative
  • Over 500 families, staff, and community members attended event on 10/14
  • Group represented Campbell ES with a handmade banner and matching t-shirts
  • During future Thursday morning meetings, the group would like to meet with staff to discuss specific topics, such as tips on how to help children improve SOL scores
  • Nathan Zee: we hope to expand this group beyond the Latino community, so that we’re working as one Campbell team to support our school and students
  • Maureen Nesselrode: Latina Mothers group volunteered on school picture day, will assist with apple-tasting, assembling Thursday folders, etc.
  • Meetings are held on Thursday mornings 7:45-8:45 am, meeting conducted in Spanish but Monica Castillo Burgos will be in attendance providing English translation; fathers are welcome



  1. Writer’s Workshop: Maureen Nesselrode, Principal
  • APS adopted the Teacher’s College Writer’s workshop as part of curriculum
  • Goal of writer’s workshop is to increase stamina, choice & volume
  • Structure of writing curriculum:
  • Mini lessons (8-10 minutes), contains specific point on strategy
  • Students have work in their folders
  • Students break off to work on their writing individually
  • Adults conference with individual students to coach them on their writing
  • Reconvene at the end of the session and teacher debriefs the class
  • Lessons from Teacher’s College are scripted, but Campbell teachers deviate from scripts based on their students
  • Maureen Nesselrode walked through two examples of a workshop lesson, one from Kindergarten and one from the 5th Grade curriculum
  • Kindergarten: Maureen Nesselrode read attendees a passage as if she were the teacher and we the students; prompted us to break off into pairs to discuss what we’d write about based on prompt, then break to work independently on writing. Stamina: how does this lesson encourage it? Through choice; the students select topics that are of interest to them or that they have expertise in; volume is addressed because the students are working on creating a book rather than a short passage. In Kindergarten, the students differentiate for themselves: those who are at the level where they are not writing independently can draw pictures, and those who come in to K already writing are encouraged to write at their level.
  • 5th Grade: Maureen Nesselrode read an example of a prompt where students are asked to make a list of two or three locations that are special to them; teacher models her list (teacher sharing personal stories encourages students to share)l; the next day the teacher says they should to go back to their lists, teacher adds more things to her list and asks students to do the same; then prompts that today they will spend time sketching a map of their special places; teacher makes her sketch and shares a story about it; teacher asks students to mark and “X” on their maps and to pretend that there are buried stories hidden there, like treasure; students will refer back to their list and map as they develop their stories; 5th graders may write multiple short stories a day, they will select the best ones and enter them into Google Docs
  • Ms. Hill shared that her students are so excited to write, they shared their stories with another class through a mini-showcase
  • Maureen Nesselrode: along the way, teachers are coaching their students to improve by persevering and taking pride in their work; younger students have two adults in class during this time (reading specialist and classroom teacher)
  • Opened floor to Q & A:
  • Q: How long is the writer’s workshop block? A: Grades K-3= 2 hours (1 hour reading, 1 hour writing); Grades 4-5=1.5 hours (45 mins. reading, 45 mins. writing)
  • Q: Does this encompass different types of writing? A: Yes. Include poetry, informational, fiction, how-to, etc. units


VII. Reminders/Notices/New Business

  • Nathan Zee: reminders
  • Movie Night this Friday, 10/21 (weather permitting, rain date 10/28)
  • “Socktober” crazy sock day and sock drive, 10/28
  • Fill-the-Pond Pledge Drive incentives end 10/31
  • Silver Diner Restaurant Night, 11/3
  • Bake Sale on Election Day, 11/8
  • New Business:
  • Jessica Haney: looking for volunteers for apple tasting during lunchtime on 11/3, look for sign-up genius and sign up if you can help
  • Maureen Nesselrode: If you have something thing that you want announced or promoted at Community Meeting, the team needs lead time; they meet on Mondays, so you need to let them know prior to their meeting when set the agenda for that week’s Community Meeting (Community Meeting is a schoolwide meeting held on Friday mornings at 8:05 am that celebrate learning; typically 3-4 items are showcased, such as music demonstrations, dance performances, by groups and individual students; all parents are welcome to attend)


VIII.         Closing, Nathan Zee, President

  • Dial-In for meetings is not working; we’re looking to find a solution, but you must attend meetings in person to cast a vote (required by our bylaws)
  • We will likely be serving less pizza at future meetings since we routinely have too much left over
  • Topic to be discussed at next meeting: Title 1- What is it?




PTA Meeting Minutes 9.20.16

Campbell PTA Meeting
September 20, 2016
6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Approximate # of Attendees:   30

  1. Introductions and Recap of Summer Activities; Nathan Zee, President
  • Nathan introduced himself and then opened the floor to all 30 members present for introductions
  • Over 80 families have joined PTA so far for the 2016-2017 school year (433 students enrolled this year); if you haven’t joined, please do so by 9/30 ($8 individual/$15 per family). The link to join is: Join PTA Online – Campbell Elementary; you will receive a PTA membership card that will entitle you to discounts at affiliated retailers
  • What kinds of things does the PTA do/support?
  • We purchase items such as the Sheila Gale reading Bench that has been placed in the courtyard, a tribute to recently retired Campbell reading teacher Sheila Gale; Nathan read a Thank You note from Sheila Gale
  • We support teacher requests (e.g. class umbrellas, class rain boots, standing desks), outdoor learning (e.g. new pond and outdoor learning coordinator position), field trips, and more
  • We support activities such as the Wetlands Festival, Back-to-School Picnic, Fun Run, Movie Night, School Dance, and many, many more
  • Thanks to those who have already signed up for volunteer events (such as the Teacher Appreciation breakfast, and the Election Day Bake Sale); there is no cut-off to sign-up for events, so please sign up at any time if you are able
  • PTA Officers have two-year term limits, so both Kathy Cordon (VP of Fundraising) and Kelly Krug’s (VP of Programming) positions will need to be filled by someone else for the next school year; keep this in mind if you are interested in becoming a part of the PTA’s executive board
  • How does the PTA communicate?
  • Listserv
  • Campbell PTA Facebook Group (closed group for privacy reason; it is moderated and you must agree to the terms in order to join)
  • Friends of Campbell Facebook Group is not affiliated with the PTA
  • Twitter: Maureen Nesselrode has an account and she frequently posts pictures (her Twitter feed can also be viewed from the Campbell APS page)
  • PTA also has a webpage with information and links:
  • Summer Updates
  • Pond was redone (came in about $200 under budget)
  • Turtle Tank was rebuilt
  • Updated and adopted new bylaws (good for 5 years)
  • Completed audit, filed taxes, and did other administrative work to ensure we remain in good standing with VAPTA
  • Nathan thanked Sean Doyle and Ric Cordon for rebuilding the pond bridge last Saturday


  1. Nomination for Executive Board vacant position (new position)
  • Kelly Krug, member of nominating committee to fill new executive board position of VP of Communications and Outreach nominated Barbara Martinez to fill open position; there were no other interested parties
  • Motion to approve nomination, Seconded, Motion Approved unanimously by 30 members
  • Formal vote will take place at next meeting (October 18) to elect Barbara Martinez to position of VP of Communications and Outreach (note: nominations from the floor will be accepted on October 18th if anyone else is interested in the position)


III.   Review of Fundraising Activities for 2016-2017

  • Kathy Cordon, VP of Fundraising—Five Main Fundraisers held throughout the year
  • Pledge Drive: starts 10/3 and lasts for six weeks; no-fuss, just donate money and receive incentives
  • Penny Wars: will be held in February; grade levels will be competing against one another, will coincide w/President’s Day (Lincoln/Penny educational tie-in)
  • Fun Run: will replace the Read-a-thon, will take place on 3/24 and there will be a DJ; online pledging and outreach prior to date; will be held at school during school hours
  • Square One Art: merchandise created from your own child’s artwork will be available in April, in time for Spring holidays (such as Mother’s Day)
  • Wetlands Festival: will be held 4/29; largest fundraiser of the year; silent auction and fun-filled day with food and bands for community to enjoy while raising money for Campbell
  • Other fundraisers throughout the year include: Amazon affiliate link, Box Tops, Benefit (new), Restaurant Nights (California pizza Kitchen next week), Pizza Nights
  • We’d like to focus on grants this year, so if anyone has ideas (specific grants we should pursue) or expertise in this area please let us know

  1. Review of Programming Activities for 2016-2017
  • Kelly Krug, VP of Programming
  • Back-to-School Picnic this Friday; there will be Food trucks, please bring blankets/chairs
  • Bike/Walk-to-School Day on 10/5
  • First Ever Outdoor Movie Night on 10/21; will have pizza, popcorn, drinks available for purchase
  • “Socktober” spirit day also in October
  • Calendar of Events went home last week in Thursday Folders
  • School Dance in February
  • DC United game in the spring (with tailgate)


  1. Treasurer’s Report
  • Jenny Morris, Treasurer—For the 2016-2017 budget year we had more expenses than projected income due to two large projects (Pond and Turtle Tank), for which we have reserves
  • Increased classroom resources budget for the 2016-2017 year
  • $50,000 projected income
  • Open floor to Q & A:
  • Q: Do we make money from Spirit Wear? A: Not budgeted as a fundraiser, it’s a wash (we make a tiny amount, but it’s not intended to make us money). We want children to have the opportunity to have Spirit Wear to feel like part of the community, so we don’t consider this a way to fundraise.
  • Q: Does the PTA support Field Trips? A: Yes, for big trips that require a charter bus (like to Jamestown and Baltimore Zoo), the PTA helps to offset the cost.
  • Motion was made to approve 2016-2017 budget, Seconded, and Approved Unanimously


  1. Testing and the SOL’s, Maureen Nesselrode, Principal
  • Over past four years, goal has been to get students reading and doing math on grade level, with no gaps between demographic sub-groups
  • Campbell does not do much test prep; there is nothing unusual about the format of the SOL’s that lends itself to test prep (not like the SAT’s)
  • VA is not a Common Core state; many of the concerns and information about testing and curriculum (on the national level) does not apply to VA or the SOL’s
  • VA is moving towards focusing on the accreditation model rather than the NCLB ESEA requirements; for accreditation we need 75% of all students passing (we are in the 80’s)
  • School-wide efforts to improve performance, such as a strong Library program, Workshop Model, excellent staff, and strategic grouping of students, have led to great successes over last 4 years
  • How to measure Outdoor Learning? Ms. Christy is collecting data; has done 25 lessons already between orientations and other lessons; making an effort to reflect this in Turtle Tales Newsletter, Class Newsletters, and other communications
  • Revised Homework Policy was discussed at Back-to-School Night
  • Electronic Policy: for now, devices remain at school unless and until there is a compelling reason to send them home
  • 4th and 5th graders will be doing Word Study in school; will allow for more differentiation (intervention/acceleration both possible) so that all student needs are met
  • Open floor to Q & A:
  • Q: Do the Interlude program students count towards Campbell’s SOL scores?
  • A: No, their scores are counted with their home schools’ scores


VII. Reminders and Notices

  • Jessica Haney: SHAB meeting next month, 10/19; more info here:
  • Tammy Bewitz: Looking for volunteers for check-in and snack donations for Project Discovery (Project Discovery is Campbell’s enrichment course programs; we offer two sessions per year, one in the fall and one in the spring. The first six-week session begins in October; register by 9/30 online here:; also, if anyone has ideas for classes or expertise to teach/lead a class, please let her know:
  • Maureen Nesselrode, Principal: Latina Moms group has been formed, modeled after the Kenmore Middle School Parent Group; first meeting will be held on Thursday, 9/22 at 7:45 am at Campbell; hope to support the PTA’s efforts and foster greater inclusion of all voices

VIII.         Closing, Nathan Zee, President

  • Outlined general flow of PTA meetings
  • Topics to be discussed are taken from the Parent Survey (four most popular topics will be discussed at upcoming meetings)
  • Funding request from Beth Decker for reimbursement for the bunny cage and bedding for the new Campbell bunny, $144.38
  • Motion was made to approve funding request, Seconded, and Approved Unanimously
  • Remember to buy your Campbell Spirit Wear!